Sunday 30 October 2016

From Darkness to Light

It was a busy day at work. As soon as I returned, there was an unplanned power shutdown. I was walking slowly through the stairs with the aid of dim light of the mobile. Unfortunately, the mobile switched off. With a great difficulty, I came up to the last step and I fell down. I was hurt, just physically. Before I got up from there, a thought entered into my mind like thunder and lightning in a silent, dark night.

With the mild pain and darkness around me, I managed to walk up to the couch and sat all alone thinking deeper about the thought that entered my mind with the pace of lightning. I closed my eyes for a while and opened it after sometime. The darkness around me was not so dark anymore. I felt as if my eyes were habituated to that. How easy it is for the body to get adapted to the things around! I wonder why it is not so easy for the mind.

Because of the darkness inside it, every day the mind falls and hurt itself thereby causing emotional breakdown. Tears break through the eyes and dries on our cheeks. The lie, envy, that ego, those thorns of the dried rose and that unreachable star will be sitting in the darker corner of the mind pushing us in to the dark well of sorrows, remembering those instances which caused pain.

In such a time, a ray of light is what it awaits for. The small twinkling star shining far far away keeps the hope alive. It says that light follows dark and happiness follows grief. Day follows night and everything will be alright, bright, lovely and colorful.  Dark night is required to understand the value of light. Likewise, Grief is required to understand the value of happiness. A positive thought is all it takes to turn grief into happiness.

A positive tweak about a brighter tomorrow dried that drop of tear at the edge of eyes before it fell onto the cheek. Meanwhile, the broken wire was fixed. The power was restored. Lights brightened the living room. This time I did not just saw the light. I experienced it. I experienced the pleasure of light that followed the darkness. It was a light that can enlighten the mind for a better tomorrow. Let’s walk from darkness to light. Let’s hope for a better tomorrow.

Wishing you a happy diwali

||Thamasoma jyothirgamaya||

Saturday 11 June 2016

Living in the garden of love

Millions of words, millions of stories, millions of songs describe the beautiful feeling called love. Even after that, I believe that love is a feeling beyond these words songs and stories. There are different forms of love experienced at different stages of life. It starts even before we step into
the world. That is when we are sleeping peacefully in the womb of our mother.

The mother expresses her love to the infant in the womb in the form of the nutritional food she takes even though she does not like the taste. In the form of a soft sweater, that she weaves and imagine her cute little baby wearing that sweater. In the form of that magical touch which can only be felt. That is the first form of love that a person can experience and responds to that love by the move which only a mother can feel. Thereby, acknowledging the love that was felt for the first time.

As soon as the baby comes out, it will experience another form of love by the kiss from the father and the warm hug that soothe the crying baby. In the form of cute names that the neighbors and relatives call. Sometimes, in the form of toys, chocolates, ice creams and sweets for his sweet little kid. If these are the seeds of love implanted in the early stages of life, there is more than this for the kid when the seeds sprouts and starts growing up in the garden of love. Sometimes it is experienced in the form of the moral values that a child receives from the teacher. Sometimes in the form of bedtime stories that the grandpa narrates and in the form of crunchy snacks that grandma prepares. Sometimes it exhibits in the form of a fight with a sibling and a help from a friend.

Nurtured by mother, father, grandparents, relatives neighbors, siblings, friends the implanted love grows wide and green in the garden of love. By that time, a person will be in his teenage. At this stage, the person experiences love in the form of the unseen dream that is seen at the glance of that special person. In the form of a special feeling, when that special person pass by. At this stage of life, sometimes pruning becomes essential if the plant is growing wider than expected.

Pruned and beautified, the plant starts adding glory to the garden of love. By this time, the plant will be having thick stems and few buds at the tip of the stem. By then, the person will be an adult. At this point of time, he experiences love in the form of care from his spouse. With this, the buds start blooming and the plant in the garden of love will start the transformation into a tree. The flower becomes a fruit. The fruit will become a seed and the seed will be implanted into the heart of another infant.

How beautiful this cycle of love is! This never ends and this garden of love will grow without any boundaries and this garden will have only those plants and trees that never dry. Everything will be green fertile, glorious and colorful. Every person who is born in this garden will be 'living in the garden of love' forever. Love never ends. It grows far and wide along with the time. 

Saturday 2 April 2016

Everyone's Titanic

A dream, an excitement, a love is an inseparable part of everyone's life. Additionally, there is also a titanic in everyone's life. This titanic is a combination of dream, love and excitement. There is a Jack to every Rose and a Rose to every Jack. Every Rose sees the butterfly and bubbles around her Jack. Every Jack sees a blooming bud in his Rose.

It’s not about the rosy lips chubby cheeks and dimple chin. It’s about the magical strand of invisible string called love which binds them so tight that they become an inseparable part of each other. No one knows why. No one knows whether they can stay together forever but they will be bound together so tight that they cannot even imagine about separation.

They laugh together. They understand each other to such an extent that they don't let each other cry. Even if a drop of tear comes out of eyes, it dries before falling onto the cheek and turns into a smile. The fear of separation gives the biggest grief ever for those who get into their titanic. This titanic is luxurious. But still it is a titanic.

If it is titanic, it is bound to hit an ice berg unexpectedly when everything is alright, thereby leading to a disaster. Everyone will have one such person who is a source of pleasure. It is a universal truth that a pain is associated with every pleasure. A hypnotic wave pushes lonely people to this titanic. This is 'everyone's titanic'. People will get into the titanic even though they know that it is meant to break.

The Key to Destiny

It is a beautiful feeling to sit alone at the beach and watch the ocean. The bright sun rays and the splashy waves, the soft sand, the sprinkling droplets of water which sparkles like diamond whenever the waves are rushing and that fine-line which separates the sky and ocean, the ship that looks like reflection of kites in the sky, those little fishes jumping up and diving back. Looking at it all day without doing anything is what I call as a peaceful day.

In one such peaceful day, I was sitting at the beach. Along with the waves of ocean, I saw a big treasure bottle coming towards me. I ignored it for the first time. Somehow it grabbed my attention. I took it into my hands and started dreaming. I was very happy in my dream world. I was sitting like an innocent kid with treasure bottle in my hand. I heard someone saying, people who went in search of such treasures, lost their life. I was scared. I threw it back into the ocean and continued my peaceful day.

The bottle came back to me along with a bigger wave, much closer to me than it was before. I stood up and started thinking whether to take it or not. I took it into my hands again. This time, I dared to open the cork. I was mesmerized by the magical fragrance that came out of it. I was happy. I knew that such happiness will not last longer. I closed the cork and threw it back to the ocean again. I thought that someone else will pick it up.

This time I started to walk away from where I was sitting before so that it does not come back to me. While I was walking away, I saw a broken bottle. I never wanted my treasure bottle to break. I walked back to the place where I was sitting. When I reached that place, I saw that the treasure bottle was already at the place where I was sitting. I took it into my hands, opened the cork and took out the key.

The key was having beautiful calligraphy of the word 'DESTINY'. It was the key to my destiny. Sometimes we find our destiny and sometimes the destiny will find us. The treasure bottle containing the key to destiny comes along with the waves in everyone's ocean of life. Only a few people will be dare enough to go for a treasure hunt. Among those who go for the treasure hunt, only a few people will be able to find the treasure. Among those who find that treasure, only a few people can keep it forever. Those who keep it forever will lead the life they always dreamt of.

Saturday 12 March 2016

A Fairytale Life

My eyes were closed. I was in my fairy-tale land. I was flying in between the clouds, coloring rainbows, painting the wings of a butterfly, making the buds bloom. I was flying and flying and flying up above the world towards the bright light. Suddenly the light became so bright that the rays started hitting my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw the sun rays entering into my eyes through the window. Then i realized that I was in sleep. I was in a dream where i was having wings. 

With a smile on my face, I woke up and prepared a cup of hot coffee. I sat outside enjoying the cup of coffee  looking at the beauty of the rising sun in the misty morning. I was happy to see the dew drops over the grass shining like diamond. The sparkling dew drops took me back to my twilight dream. I started to think about a fairy-tale life.

A fairy-tale life is an ideal life everyone dream to have. Life would become beautiful if we were having those magical powers. Everything we want would be 'just a spell away' from us. Almost everything would be fixed by true love. In short, everyday would begin with 'once upon a time' and end with 'happily ever after'.

In our ideal fairy-tale life, We will be thinking about flying in the vast blue sky but real life will plan something different for us. It will push us deep into the water where our goal would be to reach the land and survive before flying. 

Do not let the reality destroy your fairy-tale life. Even though it's not a fairy-tale life, live it in terms of a fairy-tale. If there is a gap between the fairy-tale life and the real life, no matter where you are, What's happening right now. Cast a spell called positive attitude to fill the gap and enjoy your fairy-tale life.

A language with No Words

There are many languages in the world. No matter how many languages exist in the world, no matter how many billions of words are present in each language, still there is something beyond the reach of billions of words in thousands of languages.

Recently, I visited a library. I saw a section in the library which was having only dictionaries of different languages. Standing in front of such a big shelf, I felt that it lacks something. It was a strange feeling for me. Standing in front of treasure of knowledge, a person can rarely feel that.

I was thinking about what actually made me feel that. I came out and saw a lady who could not talk. Her eyes were filled with tears. She was carrying a baby. Without any words, only with gestures she conveyed what she wants.

Then i was going back to home in a public transport. A person who was sitting beside me seemed to be very happy. He was a tourist. He was speaking about the places he visited and was admiring it. He was speaking in his language and i was speaking in my language. There were some words between us which we did not understand but i could make out that he was extremely happy.

I reached home in that sunny day and sat over the chair drinking a glass of cold water. My cat Pongo came through the open window. She sat over my lap and started cuddling. After 5 minutes she got down and stood in front of the kitchen adorably looking at me with her tiny round eyes. I understood that she was hungry.

There were no words. All that I found was feelings and emotions. I understood why i felt so when i was standing in front of the big dictionary shelf. Dictionary may have thousands of words. It can describe thousands of words. But it cannot describe the emotion. Words are incomplete without emotions.

Emotions are beyond the reach of words. It is just like air. It cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be touched but can only be felt. When you feel that there are no words to explain what you feel. Stop explaining and start expressing. surrender yourself to the "language with no words".

The Babysteps

It is so adorable to watch a baby learning to walk. The baby tries to stand and walk, crawls when it lose balance and fall. It's so lovely to watch the triumph on its face when it walks one more step. it claps, laughs and tries to run towards the mother and hug her. In the meantime, it falls, cries and get wounded. Even after falling it will neither give up nor becomes disappointed. Stumbling and mumbling, it will learn to walk, run and one day make others run behind it.

We will be laying such baby steps, often in our life. whenever we are trying to learn something new and different, we are laying such baby steps. At some point, we may fail. In such a time, it is important to remind ourselves that we were crawling before we started to walk. We fell down when we were learning to walk. It's natural to fall or fail. It is important to wake up and continue to walk.

Beginning to walk after a fall may be difficult. Have courage to get up and start walking. Three 'P's are important in our life. The first P is Passion. Without this we will never start. The second P is perseverance. Without this we cannot continue. Third P is patience. Without this we cannot win.

Intellectuals say that the process of learning never ends. Starting from the day of our birth, we will be learning something new very often. In such a time, ups and downs are common. Come out of your comfort zone, walk, run and fly. 

Have faith in yourself and your capabilities. Be courageous enough to lay "the baby-steps" often. Continue your journey. Sometimes with a drop of tear in your eyes. Sometimes with a glorious smile. Know that it is just the beginning and never ever give up.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Passion Never Dies

 Despite of the regular routine, most of the times, we would like to be different from others. No matter what is being done for the sake of getting basic needs. There is something a person always want to be. Something to think about. Something to do beyond the reach of a common man. Something which steals the sleep. That is a dream. Dream is not the one that is seen while sleeping. It is the one that does not allow to sleep.

 Most of us will be afraid to pursue our dreams. We try to push it into the bottom of heart. Its not just a piece of sponge. Its a spring. When we try to push it to the bottom, one fine day it will bounce back and that day dream will be called as passion. Once your dream becomes your passion it will start flowing in your blood. Creating wonders for yourself as well as others. Letting it flow in your blood without blocking it, is the only way through which passion leads to an unplanned unexplored and valuable destiny.

 This happened to many people.  May be you are one of those. One fine fortunate day, this happened to me as well. That fortunate day is the day I was upset with my personal life and few other things that I cannot change. I could not sleep that day. I was peeking out of the window every now and then. There was nothing but few stray dogs. I closed the window and laid down on the bed.

 A ray of light from the street light, entered the room through the window. I ignored it for few minutes. Then i followed the light. That ray of light directly fell over the blank book and a pen stand inside the shelf. I Just took a pen out of my pen stand and the blank book. I Started writing. I was gathering the chunks of my imagination and out of the box thoughts, writing it down slowly into the book. The ink in my pen was over. I took a pencil and continued writing. When I continued to do it, stress lines turned out to be a beautiful curve called smile.

 I wrote and wrote and wrote till I saw the ray of sunrise entering directly to the book in which I was writing. It was then I realised that its already morning. In fact, I understood that 'passion never dies'. The process of dreams turning into passion was going on for the whole night. If you are experiencing what I called as fortunate day, go back to your dreams. Know that "passion never dies".