Saturday 2 April 2016

The Key to Destiny

It is a beautiful feeling to sit alone at the beach and watch the ocean. The bright sun rays and the splashy waves, the soft sand, the sprinkling droplets of water which sparkles like diamond whenever the waves are rushing and that fine-line which separates the sky and ocean, the ship that looks like reflection of kites in the sky, those little fishes jumping up and diving back. Looking at it all day without doing anything is what I call as a peaceful day.

In one such peaceful day, I was sitting at the beach. Along with the waves of ocean, I saw a big treasure bottle coming towards me. I ignored it for the first time. Somehow it grabbed my attention. I took it into my hands and started dreaming. I was very happy in my dream world. I was sitting like an innocent kid with treasure bottle in my hand. I heard someone saying, people who went in search of such treasures, lost their life. I was scared. I threw it back into the ocean and continued my peaceful day.

The bottle came back to me along with a bigger wave, much closer to me than it was before. I stood up and started thinking whether to take it or not. I took it into my hands again. This time, I dared to open the cork. I was mesmerized by the magical fragrance that came out of it. I was happy. I knew that such happiness will not last longer. I closed the cork and threw it back to the ocean again. I thought that someone else will pick it up.

This time I started to walk away from where I was sitting before so that it does not come back to me. While I was walking away, I saw a broken bottle. I never wanted my treasure bottle to break. I walked back to the place where I was sitting. When I reached that place, I saw that the treasure bottle was already at the place where I was sitting. I took it into my hands, opened the cork and took out the key.

The key was having beautiful calligraphy of the word 'DESTINY'. It was the key to my destiny. Sometimes we find our destiny and sometimes the destiny will find us. The treasure bottle containing the key to destiny comes along with the waves in everyone's ocean of life. Only a few people will be dare enough to go for a treasure hunt. Among those who go for the treasure hunt, only a few people will be able to find the treasure. Among those who find that treasure, only a few people can keep it forever. Those who keep it forever will lead the life they always dreamt of.

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