With a smile on my face, I woke up and prepared a cup of hot coffee. I sat outside enjoying the cup of coffee looking at the beauty of the rising sun in the misty morning. I was happy to see the dew drops over the grass shining like diamond. The sparkling dew drops took me back to my twilight dream. I started to think about a fairy-tale life.
A fairy-tale life is an ideal life everyone dream to have. Life would become beautiful if we were having those magical powers. Everything we want would be 'just a spell away' from us. Almost everything would be fixed by true love. In short, everyday would begin with 'once upon a time' and end with 'happily ever after'.
In our ideal fairy-tale life, We will be thinking about flying in the vast blue sky but real life will plan something different for us. It will push us deep into the water where our goal would be to reach the land and survive before flying.
Do not let the reality destroy your fairy-tale life. Even though it's not a fairy-tale life, live it in terms of a fairy-tale. If there is a gap between the fairy-tale life and the real life, no matter where you are, What's happening right now. Cast a spell called positive attitude to fill the gap and enjoy your fairy-tale life.